Laurie Macomber offers the following business book and website support:

    Copyediting: Improving clarity, flow, and language consistency.

    Proofreading: Meticulous final check for typos, grammar, and formatting.

  • Pencils in a mug

    Your writing is not a problem. It just needs a bit of oomph.

    I bring that oomph into the edits. Oomph can mean:

    • Cutting redundancy
    • Making one word do when you had four or five
    • Shortening paragraphs and building in white space for the eye to rest on – in other words, “I plan for the scan!”
    • Using active voice to engage the reader at each moment and page-turn
    • Picking the perfect words for what you want to get across
    • Seeking consistency throughout the book so it is a polished piece
    • Eliminating jargon
    Typing on a computer

    Then there is precision. You can have all the oomph in the world, but is your text accurate and free of errors?

    Especially in non-fiction, your statements must ring true and be true! Precision can mean:

    • Formatting consistency, alignment of tone and thought, ensuring that the reader's journey through the book makes ultimate sense and that the thesis is clear (copyediting)
    • Catching spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization errors (proofreading)

    I can be your go-to expert on both oomph and precision, so you are proud to put your work out into the world!

  • How It Works

    If you wonder at what stage you need to bring me in, here is the typical workflow for publishing a non-fiction book:


    Author the Book


    Consult with a Developmental Editor


    Copy Edit the Text

    That's me!


    Design the Cover


    Format the Pages


    Proofread the Heck Out of It

    That's also me!





  • Here is a wonderful booklet on the process of hiring an editor/proofreader: Read Here

    I can further your project along by doing #3 and #6 at the appropriate time…and brilliantly. It’s Your Words, Perfected. Ready to polish your business book or website? Call 575 694 2810 for a free ‘look-see’ and to discuss your project.